Monday, June 28, 2010
Week 3 – Novelty, Innovation, Invention and Creativity

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Week 2 "Defining Creativity"
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
During the first week of our lecture session, it was being conducted by Mr Yap Sau Bin who is a really fun and friendly during our lecture session. I really enjoy the lecture session because during this session, the main objective of this lecture session is to tell us that everybody can be creative and we must imply and be creative anywhere, anytime. It’s like being creative is part of every human human inner instinct. Think different was always the best and ended up with a perfect result . By this, we must think different from the others. Think outside of the box so that we could ended up with the best creative ideas and who know's it might be the right perfect solution.
like example, during the class Mr yap wanted us to give the answer for some mathematical question. my idea is i would like to change ( 3+3=6) to 3+3= 33 or even 40 because the + shape i wanted it to be as a glue or even a magnet. like it's been seen above i would stated that , the number 3 was separated from the other 3 so i would like to glue it up together with the number then it will become the conjoined twin which 33. Yeah it do sound funny and eccentric but i feel so much better if i can just came out with my own idea of a new mathematical formula since i'm not that actually good in math.
As i try to search what it mean by think outside the box i stumble upon a video about an artis ( nathan sawaya) who is the creator of the "LEGO CELLO"
To me, this is what it means by think outside the box because there's a cello made by wood. The original cello is perfectly constructed but it just too old and looks very lame from time to time because it'sbeing existed for a along time and part of the earliest string instrument. That is why this guy create a new one by using a LEGO
Blog Owner Personal Information
Hello everyone, My full name is Muhammad Said Bin Abdul Rahim. I am 23 years old and I was born on 26th December 1986.
Now I am currently study at Multimedia University and majoring in Bachelor Of Digital Media. It is a really fun and interesting course for me because this course are tend to develop my own creativity towards facing the future of the new media world.And it is a course that is suitable for me because i'm a fast learner and i love to develop my own creativity and try to be creative in my own way.
name :Muhammad said Bin Abdul Rahim