Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 6 – Juxtaposition


The definition of Juxtaposition
An act or Instance of placing close together side by side, esp for comparison or contrast

During this week, we having a fun class activity and at the same time learn and understand the meaning of Juxtaposition.

Basically, most of us can define Juxtaposition by combining a another line of word or anything, get them together to generate an ideas, or even develop and for our visualization towards approaching something new.

Well, this week fun activity was about positioning a word that was different meaning put them together in a paper. Then there are steps we must follow and it actually a step to develop those words into another creative dimension by visualizing the 2 words chosen.

class activity Juxtaposition sketch

We were asked to choose two digit numbers and matched two digit numbers with two words from the column below:

1 flower 0 Head
2 lighting 9 Rain
3 ice 8 Wood
4 light 7 Tree
5 fire 6 Spider
6 duck 5 root
7 dog 4 Mountain
8 oil 3 Wind
9 leave 2 Rock
0 fly 1 Water

Step 1

3 pair of number must be chosen from (00-99)

My chosen number was "10","24"and"30".So the number represent:-

  • 10- flower, head
  • 24- lighting ,mountain
  • 30- ice ,head

Step 2

Then we were asked to make a sentence of each chosen words and visualize in a piece of paper.

these are the sentence using the 2 random words:

10: The flower was given by the head boss of the department .

24: The lighting can be seen clearly when we are on top of the mountain.

30: The ice fall on top of his head.

Step 3

Create a new word by combining those two word together.

like shown on the sketch image above




Step 4

After Combining those words, we have to create and illustrate the image of "flowerhead","lightingmountain" and " icehead"

like shown on the sketch image above

Finally, it's done.

This is one fun exercise to make our mind to think outside the box with those word. Everything is all just about visualize and think outside the box to get our ideas came to life .

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